Thursday, 27 September 2012

燕菜月饼 (二)

又是"燕菜月饼"! 因为实在太好吃了, 又买了一盒当做饭后甜品。原来这"燕菜月饼” 是本镇家喻户晓的六味  .鸡粥档自家特制售卖的。一盒仅售卖RM15,含有四种口味 ,班兰 (pandan), 红豆沙,金瓜,  玉米。 五颜六色的外表就已经让人兴奋不已了, 品尝了之后, 更让人觉得心满意足, 念念不忘! 吃腻了传统超甜+油的月饼, 不妨可以试一试这个"燕菜月饼"吧!
   右上:  红豆沙
                    右下: 班兰 (pandan) 


班兰 (pandan)口味
红豆沙 口味
 地点: Jalan Ahmad, 85300 Labis, Johor

Monday, 24 September 2012

八月中秋吃月饼 - " 燕菜月饼"

一转眼, 又是农历八月份了, 就很自然让人想起中秋月饼.。今年, 与往年不一样, 对 " 燕菜月饼"有份特别的钟爱。冰冷后的 燕菜外层配上不同口味的内馅, 吃了一口又一口, 叫人难以停下来。饭后来份 " 燕菜月饼",快乐似神仙!
12 点位置 - 芋头
9 点位置 - 红豆
6 点位置 - 花生
3 点位置 - 玉蜀蜀
红豆口味 (这是我最爱!)


Thursday, 20 September 2012

Afternoon tea @Tea Lounge Regent Singapore

I love afternoon tea.
I'm loving it so much! Really enjoyed the 3 tier afternoon tea @ Tea Lounge Regent Singapore. There is nothing better than having chit chat along with the aromatic cuppa coffee or tea, freshly baked scones, an assortment of finger sandwiches, delicious pastries and cakes....Life shouldn't in rush,  hurry or palpitation, just take an afternoon tea break for yourself and you definitely get recharge!
 Tea Lounge Regent Singapore 

 Hotel lobby
 Tea selection

 Freshly brewed coffee - free flow
 Shanghai rose
 3 tier afternoon tea set

Regent signature scones - Traditional & cranberry scones. Served with Devonshire clotted cream, strawberry preserve and traditional lemon curd. These scones really satisfied my taste buds and it is better to serve while it's still warm.
Assorted finger sandwiches - Wagyu roast beef on thyme bread with English mustard ; Boursin cheese, walnuts on wholemeal bread; smoked salmon and cream cheese with cucumber on sunflower seed; egg salad on wholemeal; prawn salad with squid bread. 
 These sandwiches had almost filled up my stomach but there are still savoury selections and a plate of pastries and tea cakes awaiting for me there. I couldn't believe and understand how I finished whole set of afternoon tea without leaving single piece of them! Yeah, no doubt it's all taste palatable!
Savoury selections:Cheese straw, Ham and cheese quiche, Baked chicken sausage roll with sesame seeds and chicken pie.

Pastries and tea cakes (mini apple pie, English fruit cake,  multigrain nutty bar ,Raspberry cheese cake, Chocolate and cheese tart, Hazelnut brownies,  English trifle) . Super thumbs up for the multigrain nutty bar!

Tea Lounge
Regent Singapore
1 Cuscaden road, Singapore
Tel : +65 67253246



Tuesday, 4 September 2012

LABIS 亚弟粿条仔

在这个小镇, "亚弟粿条仔" 是家喻户晓, 人人皆知的美食。尤其是周末或假日,如果你想要品尝 “亚弟粿条仔" ,就要早点光临 , 一来可以省下 不少等待的时间, 二来可以避开拥挤喧哗的人潮,  舒舒服服的享受它! 当然, 很多顾客是对这家 "亚弟粿条仔"的卤味尤其是猪内脏爱不释手。 但,可要小心你的尿酸哦!
干的粿条仔, (如果不是喜欢太浓的卤味, 还可以选择汤的粿条仔。)
 瘦肉片加上浓密的卤汁, 再沾点特制的辣椒酱, 简直是乐疯了!!
卤蛋 + 卤 豆腐皮
再加多一盘自制的炸春卷,脆脆的春卷沾上特制辣椒酱, 很多时候一盘不够,会让我再加多几盘!
还有, 别忘了来盘青菜!这个水煮菜心加上点炸洋葱和酱油, 清淡中带点咸香味, 让我百吃不厌!
Address : No.138,Jln Segamat , Tmn Eng Peng 85300 Labis, Johor Bahru, Malaysia